Eat Giant Cupcake? Check.

July 16, 2009 at 12:17 pm | Posted in food, London | 1 Comment
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My lack of comittment to this blog undoubtedly frustrates a few of you dear readers, who expected daily, or at least weekly updates on my time abroad.

The issue, you see, lies not in the fact that nothing has been happening, but rather that so much has gone on I can hardly take a moment to park it in front of a computer and type out my life for the past few weeks. I would rather be living it.

However if there is one thing that I feel the need to share, of course it would involve food. And of all the foods in the world, OF COURSE a cupcake would make me pause and warrant a blog post.

Lucky for you a worthy cupcake made an appearance in London’s Covent Garden market today. And this is not ordinary cupcake. Try the World’s Largest Cupcake. And I ate some.

My Slice

Quite a long que (I may have been a bit late back to work from my lunch break!) but a tasty bite of cake that fed over 2,000 hungry mouths left me satisfied. East World’s Largest something? Cross that one off my bucket list.

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